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In the christmas mood!

Well I'm listening to Glee Christmas, the lights are up, ESPY is wearing his holiday sweater, stockings are hung, and the christmas M&Ms are out... I am feeling in the holiday spirit!

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Video and Quick Update


I know I haven't written in a while, things have been crazy - per usual.

10 Things Happening in MY Life
1. I went to the Cardinals game last week - fun but a disappointing loss for them
2. I am heading to Albuquerque at 4pm today for the Annual Teach For America Southwest Summit, a professional development opportunity for Corps Members in Phoenix, Colorado and New Mexico
3. A student at my old school, Larry C. Kennedy was shot last week - click here to see the article
4. I am meeting with some of my old students at LCK to speak about this and figure out something that THEY can do to make a difference!
5. I am heading to Houston next week with our whole Program Team to check out some Excelling School - yay!
6. I am working WAY too much - observing teachers from like 8-3 and then meetings from like 4-8... AHHHHHH
7. I can't WAIT to come home for Thanksgiving and see family... wahoooooo
8. I was looking up "social justice" things for my old students to talk to them about and found this CRAZY blog, you should check it out if you have time
9. My soccer team won our indoor game last night 5-3... one of our closest games in a while, but it was fun - my knee is a little sore though and I'm slightly worried because my feet fell asleepppppp.... oh no
10. I am obviously having a REALLY hard time concentrating at work today, hence the blogging.

Hope all is well with everyone else!



OH Coolidge...

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